Monday, June 15, 2020



 Life is hard indeed. It seems like life is a repetitive process, you wake up early in the morning then eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After eating you sleep and then wake up and then sleep again. 

     During elementary days you strive hard in order to graduate grade 6 and proceed high school, when you're in high school you need to study hard in order to graduate and pass the college entrance exam. A normal student life. After passing the college entrance exam you are now striving very hard in order to finish studies because you think that it is the most boredom thing to do in life, and then finally there you are walking on that stage wearing the black toga that you always dream of , not realizing how hard adulting life is. You expect that right after your college you will have a good life a very wonderful and easy life. You think that finally you can now give your parents an easy life, but there you are sitting in a couch unemployed doing nothing. Your high expectations of helping your family just hit the rock bottom. 

      You've finish your studies and yet you will study again in order to pass the board exam in order to have a better life and to have a better salary of course. Lucky are those people who are born with a golden spoon on their mouth, they don't have to worry about financial problems in life. They won't think of giving their parents a good life, instead they will inherit their parents fortune. What about us? How about the children of the poor? What will they inherit form their parents? Their traits? 

      According to Bill Gates, "It is not your fault if you are born poor but it is your fault if you die poor". You have work hard in your entire life but then no one sees it. You have all this frustrations left in your mind. You always think that someone will help you? No one will. It's like walking on a mountain with a heavy bag in your back. How will you move forward? Take all those important things in your bag and throw those things which you think are less important. 



    Life is hard indeed. It seems like life is a repetitive process, you wake up early in the morning then eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner....